As full-screen smartphones and slim, lightweight laptops have gained popularity, the tablet market has been squeezed from both directions. Tablet makers
Garena, a leading global online games developer and publisher, has launched BOOYAH!, a platform where people will be able to create and watch live gameplay
A study in the UAE has found that over half of the workforce (52%) are nervous to go back to work and be in close proximity with others, as the lockdown
Sanitizexperts, the Dubai-based professionals in home, office and industrial air sanitization introduce the Automated UVC Robot, the latest intelligence
The National Computer Emergency Response Team, aeCERT, of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, responded to approximately 103,408 cyber-attacks,
Digital Financial Services LLC, a joint venture of Etisalat and Noor Bank, acquired earlier this year by Dubai Islamic Bank, has partnered with MoneyGram,